Rotary is harnessing the immersive power of virtual reality to create a more connected, stronger world.
Virtual reality connects with people on a visceral, personal level in a way that words simply can’t. Rather than tell you how Rotary is changing lives, let us show you.
Get the Rotary VR app
By combining the power of Rotary's virtual reality app with a VR viewer and smartphone, you can immerse yourself in some of Rotary's most meaningful work.
To experience virtual reality, download the Rotary VR App to your smartphone. For optimal viewing, use a VR viewer and noise canceling headphones to immerse yourself in any of Rotary's VR films.
You can also view a 360° version of our VR films simply by watching them on your computer or smartphone.
Our current VR films
Reef revisited
A giant artificial reef in the shape of a Rotary wheel restores marine life and protects the livelihood of several villages in the Philippines.
Watch the 360° video (non-VR version)
Two Drops of Patience
Travel with Patience Asiimwe and her fellow Rotaractors to a remote region of Uganda to vaccinate children who otherwise would be missed. See how far Patience will go to make sure every child in her country is protected from polio.
Watch the trailer (non-VR version)
One Small Act
See the powerful impact that small acts of kindness can have on the life of one little girl whose world has been torn apart by conflict.
Watch the 360° video (non-VR version)
I Dream of An Empty Ward
Follow Alokita, one of the last children in India to be paralyzed by polio, as she takes her first steps in 11 years. Actress and Rotary polio ambassador Archie Panjabi introduces the film.
Watch the 360° video (non-VR version)

Club and member resources
Use these resources to plan and promote your club’s virtual reality events.
- Plan a VR Event
Learn what equipment you need, how your space should be set up, and how to promote your event.
Download the Event Planning Guide - How to involve viewers
After your guests view the VR film, invite them to get involved with your club — as a donor, volunteer, or maybe even a new member. These talking points can help.
Download VR Talking Points - Virtual reality safety
Review this safety sheet and make it available to guests before they view a VR film.
Download the safety guidelines
Promotional resources
Sample social media posts (PDF)
Customize these social media posts to promote your event on Facebook and Twitter.
Ad template (PPTX)
Use this simple template to create your own ad or flyer to promote your event.
Tabletop sign (PDF)
Dress up your virtual reality event with these tabletop cards. Have your local printer produce it, and request an easel to hold it.
Roll-up banner (PDF)
Use this attention-grabbing 80-inch (203 cm) tall banner at your next event. Have your local printer produce it.